
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11786 From: TKSOFT Date: 6/26/2015
Subject: KMotion/KFLOP Version 4.33l Bug
Attachments :

Unfortunately a serious bug was introduced in V4.33l in the KFLOP Firmware.  Sorry about that. 

When making moves (Move, MoveRel, MoveAtVel, MoveRelAtVel) with different numbers of Trip States (some that achieve max V or A and some that don't) the last Trip State may not be properly terminated and a Trip State from a previous move may be erroneously added in.  See attached example of bad motion.

Here is a new patched firmware for KFLOP compatible with V4.33l and should correct the problem:

If you are running V4.33l please apply this patch.

Copy the file to the \DSP_KFLOP directory, run KMotion.exe, Flash New Version, then cycle power on KFLOP.

The KFLOP Firmware Version should then report as V4.33m

Please let us know of any issues.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11880 From: jojodillinger Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: KMotion/KFLOP Version 4.33l Bug
I applied the patch and now I cant run my init-file in KMotionCNC anymore. It says that the stamp doesn't match..! Could you let me know what to do about this? Go back to 4.33l?
When running the version command in KMotion.exe, it says "4.33n" and not m, as you indicated. Does it have to do with this?
Its a quite urgent case unfortualtely..
Thanks in advance! Kind regards,
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11881 From: TK Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: KMotion/KFLOP Version 4.33l Bug
Hi Johannes,

KFLOP Version should report V4.33n.  The file download and Flashed needs to be placed into the <install dir>\DSP_KFLOP\ directory with the name DSPKFLOP.out so the file being used by the PC is the same as flashed into KFLOP. 

Is this what you did?  What does the miss match error message say exactly?


On Jul 12, 2015, at 5:38 AM, jojodillinger@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I applied the patch and now I cant run my init-file in KMotionCNC anymore. It says that the stamp doesn't match..! Could you let me know what to do about this? Go back to 4.33l?
When running the version command in KMotion.exe, it says "4.33n" and not m, as you indicated. Does it have to do with this?
Its a quite urgent case unfortualtely..
Thanks in advance! Kind regards,

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11882 From: jojodillinger Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: KMotion/KFLOP Version 4.33l Bug
Hello Tom,
thanks so much for the quick reply!
As usual, the problem was on my side.. I thought I'd be really smart and save the .out file in a separate folder, saying something with 4.33n in its name, and did not copy it to the original 4.33l install folder. That was the problem.. Now I copied it to the folder you stated in the description and now it works.
Again, thanks a lot!
Kind regards,